







Ruby on Rails


My Projects


An app used by collegiate and professional sports team for enhanced organization, streamlined communication, and increased accountability

Built using Ruby on Rails and jQuery

  • Implemented automated QA testing with Cypress
  • Built new features using Ruby on Rails and jQuery
  • Produced high-quality mock-ups for new features
  • Managed account health using an integrated database

ACS Adaptiv Apps

A fully accessible app that gives users the ability to access information about upcoming events and foster relationships through a real-time chat feature

Built using GraphQL, Prisma, Apollo, React, and Material UI

  • Collaborated with a team to implement a real-time chat app using GraphQL Subscriptions
  • Implemented the back-end for direct messaging and one-to-many announcements
  • Styled using Material UI and complies with WCAG 2.0 accessibility guidelines
Adaptiv Apps

Just My Size

Google Chrome extension to easily track your apparel and footwear sizes across brands, styles, and types. Quickly access your data when online shopping to get the right fit every time

Built using JavaScript

  • Solely responsible for designing and coding the extension
  • Implemented full CRUD operations and multi-functional search component
Just My Size


Craft beer database where users can search for a specific beer, create a favorites list, and add comments for future reference

Built using Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL

  • Designed and built the relatinonal database
  • Implemented all API routes for the app and wrote well documented instructions for each endpoint
TAPPR Backend

NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day

See the current NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day and search for different pictures based on an inputted data

Built using React and styled with CSS

  • Solely responsible for designing and coding the app
  • Built a functional date search component that queries the NASA API using REST and Node principles

GitHub User Finder

An app to look up different GitHub users and get an overview of their repositories, followers, and link to their page

Built using React

  • Solely responsible for designing and coding the app
  • Built a functional search component that queries the GitHub API using REST and Node principles
  • Implemented user animations with GSAP
GitHub User Finder